Paypal vil tage $2500 fra din konto, hvis du spreder, hvad de kalder “misinformation”
Fra Oktober 2022.
“PayPal is taking the fight against misinformation to the next level.
PayPal has just updated its new acceptable use policy which will permit the payment giant to pull thousands of dollars from the accounts of users who spread “misinformation.”
Effective November 3, the new policy will permit the payments giant will enable the company to withdraw $2,500 from your account if they find anything you’ve said to be objectionable, including “misinformation” or “discrimination” of groups or individuals based on gender identity.
The new policy will apply to actions taken via PayPal’s platform.”
Da det kom frem, at PayPal ville opkræve bøder for deling af urigtige informationer og kunne tilbageholde folks penge, blev de udsat for en sand shitstorm.
De trak hurtigt i land og påstod, at det var en fejl.
Der gik dog ikke lang tid, før det forlød, at den nye politik nu var skrevet ind i deres vedtægter.
PayPal reinstates its policy to take $2,500 from your account if you spread misinformation :
Candace Owen fra the Daily Wire lavede d 8/10 denne live om Paypal, og hvorfor man burde slette sine konti det ASAP!