11. september 2024

I Canada diskuteres der lige nu, om anti-vax-tænkere skal diagnosticeres som psykisk syge og behandles derefter – Danmark følger efter

25 Nov 2022

Do patients who refuse the Covid vaccine need mental health pharmaceuticals? Some doctors in Canada are being told that they should not enable vaccine avoidance and might want to consider medication to change their minds. We talk about how the biopharmaceutical complex is waiting in the wings to solve one medication problem with another medication.

A FAQ published by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, which states prescription medications and referrals to psychotherapy may be options for patients who have serious anxiety linked to vaccination. An example was later added to the page to specify cases such as “extreme fear of needles.”

Ontario’s regulatory agency for doctors is advising that unvaccinated people be diagnosed with mental health conditions and medicated.

A tweet shared a clip (see above) from an event hosted Wednesday (late Nov 2022) by a former Canadian TV personality in which she interviews Dr. William Makis.

Makis states that CPSO “sent out a letter or a memo to all the doctors in Ontario” suggesting that they should consider “any of their unvaccinated patients” as having a “mental problem” and that they should be put on “psychiatric medication.”

The FAQ, listed under a section of the website called “Physician Advisory Service,” lists more than a dozen questions and answers related to COVID-19 care.

One question in the “Pandemic-Related Practice Issues” section inquires:

“Patients are asking me to write notes supporting a medical exemption from COVID-19 vaccines — what do I need to know?”

The answer goes on to explain that patients must have a legitimate medical condition that would warrant an exemption, and links to guidance from the National Advisory Committee on Immunization and the Ontario Ministry of Health on the topic, as well as information on what these notes must specify.

A subsection of the answer addresses vaccine hesitancy among those with vaccine-related phobias or anxiety.

“It is also important that physicians work with their patients to manage anxieties related to the vaccine and not enable avoidance behaviour,” the answer says.

“For example, for extreme fear of needles (trypanophobia) or other cases of serious concern, responsible use of prescription medications and/or referral to psychotherapy may be available options.”
