19. februar 2025

Senator Malcolm Roberts i Australien fortæller sandheden om vaccinerne

Verden er ved at vågne op.

Denne gang er det en politikker i Australien der er dykket ned i hvad medicinal industrien ville have gemt væk i 75 år.

Man kan godt undre sig over, hvor købsaftalen til en værdi af milliarder af kroner, der er flyttet fra EU kassen (bla Danske skattekroner) og over på medicinal industriens konto er blevet af, særlig set i lyset af at EU Ursula´s mand lige præcis arbejder der??? ⬇️⬇️⬇️

“The Greens laugh at jab injuries & shut down debate about jab mandates – Senate Speech 1.12.22

Yesterday Malcolm Roberts (senator Queensland) moved an amendment to the IR Bill that would have prevented people being discriminated against on the basis of their Covid-19 vaccine status.

I spoke to the amendment and as you can tell I was pretty fired up because I knew we didn’t have the numbers. This amendment would have allowed unvaxxed people in the private sector to go back to work.

What was despicable however was that while I was speaking I was being heckled by Green Senators Larissa Waters and Sarah Hanson Young.

To mock people who have been injured by the vaccine is the lowest of the low and tells you everything you need to know about the greens party.

In fact after I spoke Hanson Young moved a motion to shut down the debate on the amendment which got up.

The next time a change to the IR act is introduced by Labor I will move the amendment again.

Special thanks to Malcolm and those who voted for the bill.”
