19. februar 2025

Chefen for bio-etik ved det amr. Bioethics ved NIH – er Dr. Faucis kone!


Elon Musk gør det igen!

Han har igen afsløret sumpen af toppen, korruption, nepotisme og rygklapperi indenfor eliten!

Kort og godt:

Christine Grady er gift med Anthony Fauci. Hun godkender vaccinerne, han overtaler os til at tage dem!!! Tilfældigt? Måske, måske ikke…

– Skide godt Elon – giv den gas! Glæder os til flere afsløringer!


Elon Musk completely exposed the NIH, Dr. Fauci, and Fauci’s wife. (Read until the surprising end)

In a response to a tweet that was making fun of a ChatGPT response that claimed Dr. Fauci has never lied, Elon posted a link to Dr. Fauci’s wife’s Wikipedia page.

Fauci’s wife’s name is Christine Grady and her Wikipedia states “ Christine Grady is an American nurse and bioethicist who serves as the head of the Department of Bioethics at the National Institutes of Health Clinical Center.

Musk’s captioned the tweet by saying “Almost no one seems to realize that the head of bioethics at NIH – the person who is supposed to make sure that Fauci behaves ethically – is his wife”.

